free pdfs & useful links

The Finding Your Path Project fosters positive transitioning through the major stages of youth;
Starting school -
5 questions to ask after reading the book
In this simple positive transitioning intervention, parents can facilitate positive conversations with their children before starting school.
Starting high school -
goal setting template for high school starters
A Positive Intervention exercise for ~ ACHIEVEMENT
This positive transitioning intervention is useful for year 6 students preparing for high school life.
Lesson Plan to Prepare Students:
For Use in The Classroom or at Home
Within this interactive lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to explore the general principles for promoting positive change.
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Identify what the differences will be between their current and new environments.
Explain any personal stressors about the transition and ways they can
reduce/manage them.
Recognise ways they can ask for support if/when needed.
Understand the importance of applying wellbeing strategies to improve their lives.
Finishing school -
exercise for students to decide on next steps
A Positive Intervention exercise for ~ MEANING
This final transition is becoming increasingly complicated, with the options being less structured and new career paths popping up all the time - with 65% of students expected to work in jobs that don’t yet exist (Stillman, 2017).
This positive transitioning intervention is an easy to use worksheet for high school students considering their paths after school. Based on the message delivered in Amba's TEDx Talk.

Feeling Thermometers - Emotional awareness activity
Taking a moment to be aware of our feelings, thoughts and actions is instrumental in managing the various emotions that come with change. Research has proven this increases social skills and promotes mental and general well-being in youth (Zhou, Liu, Niu, Sun, & Fan, 2017).
Use this exercise for all transitions. Colour in how you are feeling now.
Taken from page 23 of Finding Your Path - A guide to starting high school with a smile.
Daily mood chart - Emotional awareness activity 2
Use this exercise for students in school as a way to be mindful of the various emotions that come up.
Happiness Sheet - Positive emotion activity
Studies have shown the impact of a positive emotional state on supporting our ability and willingness to adapt when uncertainty is increased. They found that a positive emotional state is linked to increased social behaviour, exploration, and curiosity (Fredrickson and Branigan, 2005).
Use this exercise for all transitions. Get creative and use the space to flesh out the things that make you happy.
Taken from page 128 of Finding Your Path - A guide to starting high school with a smile.
The School-Leaver Resource List
Links to Support You Finding Your Path after school:

Help me Study...
Website and online community that helps to increase knowledge & sharing.
All things study-related including tips and techniques from writing to preparing for exams.
What to do for Work?
Job quizzes like this one can help you to discover or at least think about what field of work you might like to jump into.
Your personality is the key to finding a career that's right for you.​
Practice interview questions for when you get the job:
A great source by CareerOne to prepare before the interview.

Applying to Study?
Plenty of helpful tips to prepare you for college life.
Find a university program for you with their course guides; Covering entry requirements, specializations, career prospects, and more.
Planning to become an international student:
Useful tips to prepare you for life as an international student.
Planning to Travel?
Tips listed on the Huffington Post to help you save for your gap year!
Useful Apps for your time abroad.
Stay Inspired:
Meet Five New York High School Students with Fascinating Stories:
Ted Talks Education presents students telling their stories.
A collection of inspirational videos and websites.
Music aimed at boosting brain power while studying.​
Other Useful Links for Students:
Has more than 1,000 educational channels.
Inspiration for student life & help for students looking for accommodation.
Useful resources for you to explore via the Center for Online Education website. Check them out and let us know what you find to be most useful!
The Finding Your Path TEDx Talk:
How to Find a Happy Path After School.
Download Free Worksheet
A worksheet developed for high school students considering their paths after school.
In an attempt to condense the book 'Finding Your Path - A guide to life & happiness after school' into a quick & easy to use resource for school-leavers, the result is the key points combined into a printable double-sided handout.