"Homeschooling During the Coronavirus: 5 Ways to Make Learning More Enjoyable," Thrive Global (2020)
"On the Road to Becoming an Author," Booklover Book Reviews (2019)
"This is My Land," The Culture Crush Magazine (2019)
"Why I Cut Down On Social Media to Once a Week," Thrive Global (2019)
"62 Stress Management Techniques & Tips To Prevent A Burnout," Positive Psychology Program (2018)
"Building Resilience to Support the Major Transitions," Thrive Global (2018)
"Handy Tips for Concerned Parents," Wellness Daily (2018)
"Positively Supporting the Transition to High School," The Positive Times (2018)
"Global Perspectives in Positive Education." John Catt Educational Publishing Book (2018)
"Finished High School & Still Don’t Know What To Do?" HuffPost (2017)
"5 Tips to Help Your Teenager Find A Happy Path After School," HarperCollins Blog (2017)
"Supporting the Transition Into a Life After School," Positive Psychology Program (2017)
"What I Wish My Parents Taught Me Before I Graduated," She'SAID' (2017)
"Finding Wellness in High School," The Wellness Doctrines (2017)
"10 Ways To Save For Your Gap Year," HuffPost (2017)
"A Guide to Studying Overseas," Campus Magazine (2017)
"7 Reasons it’s Been a Positive Year for Positive Psychology," Positive Psychology Program (2017)
Public Speaking
"Making Positive School Transitions," Digital Schools Online Education Content (2020)
"Helping Kids Find a Career they Love," Why I? Network Podcast (2019)
"How to Live a Happier Life," JRP Daily (2019)
"Talking About Youth Transitions," ABC Radio (2018)
"Supporting Positive Transitions," Australian Book Tour Talks & Readings (2018)
"How students can flourish through their major transitions," Positive Schools Conference, Australia (2018)
"How to Find Your Path After School," TEDX Talk, Singapore, AIS (2017)
"Find Your Path", Pathways Podcast, Australia (2017)
"Tips for Graduates - Finding Your Path," Graduate Job Podcast (2017)

speaking & writing requests
If you would like to inquire about the availability of speaking engagements or have a writing request, please send a written request to
- noting Amba now resides in Sydney, Australia.